So now we have IWEBSERVER user created on Fileserver and also we set the permission to network folder. If IUSR_WEBSERVER user is not exists in " Group and User names", then add and set appropriate permission as per requirement. So share the "TempFolder" and set Permission for IUSR_WEBSERVER User. Now locate the Directory, where you want to store or Retrieve Files, for Network Users from File Server So now in Both Server(File and Web), Same User exists with Same Password.
#Hyperlink to network folder password#
Un Check the "User must change password at next logon" check box and Checked on "Password Never Expired" Ex: IUSR_WEBSERVERĪnd also enter same password, that you have set for User "IUSR_WEBSERVER" for web server PC. Right click on Blank Space, and click on " New User"Įnter same user name that you have on WEBSERVER. Select the Users folder > so list of existing users will appear. Open Control panel > Administrator Tools > Computer Management > Click on Local Users and Groups So create new User on FILSERVER, with the IUSR_WEBSERVER name. Configure File Server.įirst you have to create new IUSR user with the same name as you have on WEBSERVER For user IUSR_WEBSERVERĬlick Ok and apply settings.
Now just Uncheck the " Allows IIS to Control Password" Check box and type the password, that you have set in Previous steps. And Under " Anonymous Access and Authentication Control " click on Edit Button Click on Properties, so one popup will appear, now go to Directory Security Tab. Now open the IIS, And Right click on Your Application's Virtual Directory. Now set the Password for IUSR_MACHINENAME user. Go to control panel > Administrator Tools > Computer Management > In Computer management Expand the Tree " Local users and Groups And click on Users, so you can see list of users at right side panel,įrom the right side list of users, select the IUSR_MACHINENAME AND Right click and click on Set Password…. Now First of all, we have set the IUSR_MACHINENAME user password We are storing files on FILESERVER And we host our application on WEBSERVER on IIS We have tow server, one is our web server and one is our file server.
If you're not sure what the address is, go to the website in a web browser and copy the URL from your browser's address bar.To set up IIS, we have to perform operation on two different Server. In the Insert Hyperlink window, type in the web page address you want to link to in the Address text field.On the Insert tab, in the Links section, click the Link option.In the menu bar or Ribbon at the top of the PowerPoint program window, click the Insert tab.For example, in the image below the text "ComputerHope website" is highlighted. With your mouse or keyboard, highlight the text you want to turn into a hyperlink.Type the text in the PowerPoint slide that you want to be linked.Adding this type of link, called a hyperlink, can be done by following the steps below. Links can be useful for directing others who view the slides to a specific site, file, or linking to an external bibliography for a school assignment. In Microsoft PowerPoint, there are times when users need to insert a link to a web page or a file in a network folder.